Information about children and their families will never be shared without permission of the family, except in the interest of protecting children. For instance sharing relevant information with the relevant child protection agency in the case of suspected abuse. The correct procedures will be followed and the information passed only to the appropriate personnel or agencies as set out in such procedures.

All information held about children is kept in their own individual file which are located in a locked cabinet. Parents are free to come in and look at any information held in their setting pertaining to their own child.

Advice and support will be sought from other professionals in the best interests of children and families and information may be shared with them, subject to the principle of confidentiality.

We may seek advice and support to help to resolve queries or problems and this should be seen as a form of strength and professionalism.  Respect will be shown for the role of parents and other professionals. Any information shared will be on a need to know basis.