Children feel secure when they are able to make sense of their surroundings. With this in mind, our indoor and outdoor areas have been designed to provide the very best environment for children to develop and thrive.
One of the focal points of our nurseries is our fantastic outdoor spaces. In all three nurseries, we have created outdoor gardens designed with our children in mind. These spaces include low-level planters so that children can plant flowers, vegetables and herbs.
Our Hampstead Garden Suburb branch is located in the Pavilion of Lyttelton Playing Fields in the centre of the park. Children enjoy daily access to the park with its trees, lawns, mini-beasts, birds, and squirrels all in their natural habitat. Keren’s Nursery is uniquely positioned to provide children with firsthand experience of learning and discovering their natural environment.
At all branches, every child over the age of three has Forest School included as part of the curriculum.
Every classroom has been designed to meet the needs of each age group. This includes low-level sinks for independent hand washing , low-level home corners and an ICT suite incorporating iPads loaded with age-appropriate educational apps.
At our nurseries, all children embark upon a path of self- discovery, participate in planned activities and create their own pursuits from carefully selected stimuli. These are all designed to feed into the seven areas of learning and development, as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.
Our indoor and outdoor environments change all the time. We continuously invest in equipment, and constantly adapt the environments to intrigue our children and maintain an ongoing journey of discovery.