Here at Keren’s Nursery, we understand that not every child is the same, so the answer can be quite challenging, however, we have developed this guide to evaluate how nurseries such as ours can be beneficial to your child’s development so that you can walk away with your own opinion on whether or not a nursery is right for your child.
The decision to send your young ones to nursery can be quite daunting, especially with so much mixed information that is floating around these days, so you might be wondering whether or not it is beneficial for your child’s development. There have been enough studies done to outline the benefits of sending children to educational establishments, including nurseries, to prove that children acquire skills such as motor skills, and academic abilities alongside social skills.
At What Age Do Children Start Crucial Social Development Skills?
The first five years of a child’s life are fundamentally important as they start to enhance their cognitive, social and emotional skills. For example, a child around 15-18 months of age starts to develop social-emotional development skills, such as walking and talking. This period of a child’s life requires quite a lot of attention to encourage these behaviours and by putting your child into a reputable nursery, such as Keren’s Nursery, you can be assured that the childcare workers are trained in how to promote this behaviour, alongside taking note of any children who might be developing a little later than the others their age.
What Can Nursery Do For My Child’s Development?
As the first five years of your child’s life are crucial to them developing crucial skills, it’s important that they are stimulated appropriately so that these skills can flourish. Sending your child to Keren’s Nursery can have huge advantages for your child’s development. Here is a list of the top three ways we can promote your child’s development:
Social and Emotional Development Support from Nursery
This will be achieved through positive interactions with our childcare workers as they will create a nurturing and supportive environment, children will also be able to practice self-expression through the different activities they can partake in daily, alongside gaining other important skills like empathy, social skills, independence and your child will have a sense of belonging.
Cognitive Development
As your child will be in a stimulating learning environment where they’ll be encouraged to play, explore, problem solve, be curious, and learn a second language, their minds will be receiving this ongoing cognitive stimulation which will give them a huge advantage for their cognitive development.
Physical Development
There is no doubt that your child will be running, jumping, climbing, among many other physical activities while in the nursery, and this will have a huge impact on their physical development. They will develop their gross motor skills, balance and coordination.
How Do I Decide Which Nursery Is Right for My Child’s Development?
There are many factors to consider before choosing which nursery is best suited for you and your child, however, here are our top 3 suggestions to help you decide which nursery will have a positive impact on your child’s development:
1. Check The Nurseries Syllabus
Be sure to first look into the nursery’s learning materials, or curriculum, as it should be age-appropriate and ideally promote a child’s development through interactive play, exploration and language learning.
2. Make Sure the Staff Are Qualified
It is vital to know that the people who will be taking care of your children are qualified to, firstly, work with children and secondly, have the appropriate educational qualifications. In the UK there is a range of different qualification types, however, it’s recommended to choose a nursery that has carers who are skilled in ensuring the improvement of physical and motor skills, too – such as completing the Moving Matters, Occupational Therapy (OT) programme.
3. Check The Learning Environment:
It is important to know that your child will be able to learn and grow in a safe and stimulating environment that has adapted the space to be accepting of a diverse group of children. Some of the key factors to look out for would be checking the nursery space has a variety of areas to promote development, checking safety by ensuring the space is organised and tidy with age-appropriate furniture and checking that the space is well-lit with lots of natural light.