- 1.1 Childrens Rights and Entitlements
- 1.2 Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
- 1.3 Looked After Children
- 1.4 Uncollected Child Shortcut
- 1.5 Missing Child
- 1.6 Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras
- 1.7 Prevent Duty
- 1.8 Camden social care team details
- 2.1 Employment
- 2.2 Student Placements
- 2.3 Employment and Staffing
- 2.4-Disciplinary Policy
- 2.5 Grievance Policy
- 2.6-Golden-rules
- 3.1 Induction of Employees and Volunteers
- 3.2 First Aid
- 3.3 Supervisory Meetings
- 4.1 The Role of the Key Person
- 5.1 Staffing.pdf
- 6.1 Administering Medicines
- 6.2 Managing Children who are Sick Infectious or with Allergies
- 6.3 Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents
- 6.4 Nappy Changing
- 6.5 Food and Drink
- 6.6 Food Hygiene
- 6.7 Individual Health Plan
- 6.8 Sun Care
- 6.9 Physical Development
- 6.10 Severe Weather
- 7.1 Promoting Positive Behaviour
- 8.0 Safety and suitability of premises and environment
- 8.1 Health and Safety General Standards
- 8.2 Maintaining Childrens Safety and Security on Premises
- 8.4 Risk Assessment
- 8.5 Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation
- 8.6 Animals in the Setting
- 8.7 No Smoking
- 8.8 Health and Safety Risk Assessment Template
- 8.9 Fire Safety Risk Assessment Template
- 9.1 Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality
- 9.2 Supporting Children with SEN
- 9.3 Social Wellbeing Audit
- 9.4 Access Audit
- 9.5 Arrival and Departure
- 10.1 Early Years Prospectus
- 10.2 Admissions
- 10.3 Kerens Belsize Registration Form Sep 2015 with Headed Paper Backing
- 10.4 Parental Involvement
- 10.5 Childrens Records
- 10.6 Providers Records
- 10.7 Transfer of Records to School
- 10.8 Confidentiality and Client Access to Records
- 10.9 Information Sharing
- 10.10 Working in Partnership with Other Agencies
- 10.11 Making a Complaint
- 10.12 Keren’s Nursery Contract BP 2015-16
- 10.13 Keren’s Nursery Fees Structure 2016-2017