small child looking out of a window

Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Child Development

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented challenges and disruptions to societies worldwide. As governments implemented strict measures to contain the virus, one significant consequence was the imposition of lockdowns, confining individuals to their homes. While these measures were crucial for public health, the prolonged periods of isolation and restricted social interactions have had a profound…

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What Are the Terrible Twos?

Everyone has heard of the terrible twos; they’re mentioned with dread by parents with young children. But what are the terrible twos and what makes them so potentially ‘terrible?’ When Can the Terrible Twos Hit? This question is not as silly as you think. Parents often observe a noticeable change in their child’s behaviour when…

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You’ll Never Be Short of Activities with Keren’s Busy Jar

Keren’s Nursery “Busy Jar” Filled to the brim with ideas for different activities designed to support parents and children. The aim is to encourage children to work independently, or as a family unit, using age-appropriate tasks. These activities encourage a range of independent and family play. Some are pure fun designed to spark creativity. Others…

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